helping Hawai’i one Crystal at a time

Cleansing hawai’i with natural therapy

Cleansing hawai’i with natural therapy

Kōkua iā Hawaiʻi me ka Lapaʻau Kūlohelohe

WORK WITH our certified

crystal reiki master

or our

Certified Aura and tarot reading expeRT


We provide metaphysical services that can fit any of your preferences or needs. Request a free consultation today!

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Explore wellness principles using crystals on your own schedule through a variety of online lessons. Start your membership today to get more details on crystals and how they can add balance and wellness in your life today

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Begin your

new journey

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

There are over 1.5 billion people out there, but your story is important. Does your story need a tune up? Maybe you need a little guidance, or maybe your Chakra is out of balance. Maybe you just need an Expert in Crystal Reiki Therapy to begin your path to a better life.

Crystal Reiki Therapy is about taking that step towards your new journey, let our Crystal Reiki Master help you take that step in the right direction.

crystal therapy

Creating a plan that works for you

Through personalized consultations our experts will bring balance and work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve full body wellness—often combining the practices of Reiki Balancing, Chakra Alignments, Grid Protections, Aura Readings or Tarot Cards, or nutrition, exercise, meditation, herbal and natural remedies, and more.

Spiritual Awakening

Improving your relationship with yourself

Try something new

Begin exploring your relationship with yourself. Start with your Aura reading. See what your Aura tells you about yourself.

Move on to a Tarot Reading, gain insights, learn about yourself and your relationship with yourself and how you can start a New Journey on a path to a new and Healthy you.

Target Specific Issues

Relationship Issues

Self Esteem

Learn how specific crystals can help you on your journey.

Schedule a consultation